I seen this too many times

I seen this too many times

I have seen people start thier fitness journeys and quit within a matter of weeks.

Motivation is high, then week 3 hits and you are sick of the same crap foods, the bland meals, the restrictive diets, the lack of variety, not being able to eat out.

It happens to everyone. But understand this, there is a better way.

Modifying & adapting

At the end of the day to lose bodyfat all you need to do is have less energy coming in than your body needs/uses over a given length of time.

And so, if you want to eat a burger at 2000 calories on a Saturday, I say go and do so.

The caveat, you eat less calories the day later.



So you like Pizza? Yep, everyone does.

Why not make your own?

Tortilla wrap, tomato sauce, low-fat cheese lean proteins, few herbs and you are golden.

This is what I mean by adapting…

This approach can be done with anything and everything. Just find lower-calorie alternatives.

How about changing full fat milk to skimmed? less calories same amount of milk

Diet pop instead of full sugar version (there is actually evidence that supports diet pop helps lose weight - My opinion is that it removes the monotony and restrictive nature of a diet).

It’s so easy once you know how…

I hope you liked the e-mail - Let me know if there are any other topic you would like me to cover.

