New Year, New Me. (& my 2024 goals)

First of all, I won’t be the first one to state or to ask but I hope that every single one of you reading this had a fantastic holiday period and Santa brought you everything you wanted.

I had a really good break away from the day-to-day tasks but still managed to keep up my gym routine apart from the bank holidays when it was closed.

Otherwise not too much damage done in terms of over consumption of calories. Now though is the time to double down into 2024.

I have set my goals for the coming year which are:

  • Get sub 10% body fat by March (I will be 31 in March).

  • Help people achieve their fitness goals.

  • Show up every single day giving value on Twitter (Or X whichever it’s called).

  • Grow my e-mail list (tell your friends pls)

  • Finally, get myself doing this full time.

Let me know your goals. Let’s keep each other accountable in 2024 so we don’t come back in 2025 and have to start again.

Much love,
