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Going back to work on the first day in 2024 was hard man.

After close to 3 weeks off for me, I really didn’t want to go back to my desk and sit there all day. Which means that my work wasn’t as productive. Still, we have a duty and have to do the things we need to do. Which is why my saving grace will always be the gym because I know I can go there and feel better afterwards.

Even when I feel unmotivated and I don’t want to go to the gym I still turn up. Walk on a treadmill assess the surroundings and then work. Being in an environment where other people are working makes you work.

It’s why I don’t think I would ever have my own personal gym (Or at the least never train on my own there). There is something special about that inner competition. They’re working, I am going to work.

But, sometimes it’s hard to get to that point. That’s probably why you don’t hit the goals that you set for yourself. You put too much pressure on yourself to achieve something unsustainable, the motivation runs out, you question yourself and then you see the chocolate in the cupboard.

that’s why you need a community of like-minded people (friends) to keep you accountable. You set your goal, you tell the world and then you work your @$$ off to get there in front of the whole world.


If you don’t have that community, You can join mine. I will keep you accountable. Your goals are my goals. Let’s work together in 2024.