Fitness is toxic

The fitness industry is toxic you have people lying to sell supplements when their main supplement is the ‘sauce’.

But what you will realise is that when you are away from Instagram and other social media platforms people genuinely have each others backs.

Ask someone for a spot in the gym they will probably help you. And they will squeeze a few more out, pushing you further than you wanted to go. That’s positive. If they wanted you to fail they would hinder it.

I believe that social media is keeping people away from the gym and it shouldn’t. The gym is a shared space for everyone. minus the idiot every so often taking up 3 machines for their stupid superset.

If you ever wanted to start going to the gym but feel intimidated get a personal trainer. Learn the ropes and then go it alone. Unless you walk through the gym completely naked it is likely that no one is looking at you.

Take this e-mail as your sign to do it. Don’t let anyone stop you and don’t be intimidated. People will help you when you get there if you ask.


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